Safety Tips For Hawaii Bike Tours

Safety Tips For Hawaii Bike Tours

A bike tour offers both locals and visitors alike a unique opportunity to explore large swaths of Hawaii’s gorgeous landscape in a way that simply isn’t possible on foot or in a motor vehicle. To ensure this experience is as pleasant and rewarding as possible, make safety a top priority.

Staying safe doesn’t just involve wearing protective gear and obeying traffic laws when bicycling on Hawaii’s roads. Additional ways to maximize your safety (and the safety of others!) during a Hawaii bike tour include the following:

Staying Hydrated

Hawaii’s climate tends to be warm. Staying hydrated is essential when bicycling in these conditions. Research indicates that proper hydration can even boost a person’s general alertness, which is key to safety during a bike tour.

Wearing Bright Clothing

A bicycle is an eco-friendly alternative to a car or other such vehicle. However, a bicycle is also smaller than a motor vehicle, and may thus be more difficult to see.

Wear bright clothing to boost your visibility while bicycling. Even if you’re on an off-road path, it’s smart to ensure others can easily see you from a distance.

Taking Breaks

Don’t push yourself beyond your limits during what should be a peaceful and relaxing tour. Pay attention to your body, and take breaks when necessary. Doing so also gives you the chance to rehydrate.

Riding a Safe Bicycle

Get into the habit of checking your bike’s tire pressure, brakes, and chains to confirm they’re still working properly before going for a long ride. If you’re renting a bicycle, ask about how the rental company performs safety checks.

Applying Sunscreen

Hawaii is often a sunny state. Account for this during your Hawaii bicycle tour by applying sunscreen before the tour and periodically during breaks. The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends using sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.

Be aware that UV rays can penetrate cloud cover. Even if you’re bicycling during an overcast day, sunscreen can still play an important role in your health and safety.

Riding With Others

A solo bike tour throughout Hawaii may be simultaneously calming and invigorating, but unless you’re confident in your experience level, it’s best to travel with others. If you’re an experienced bicyclist and you do feel safe going solo, at the very least, tell someone else where you plan on going, and make sure your phone is charged so that you can call for help if you need to.

Staying on the Paths

Hawaii is an ideal state for bike tours thanks to its fairly extensive network of bike paths. Staying on these paths is a simple way to remain safe while also enjoying some spectacular views.

Additionally, you may want to strongly consider participating in a guided Hawaii bike tour. With an experienced guide leading the way, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re exploring gorgeous locations while in the presence of others.

At Mountain Riders, offering both guided and self-guided Maui bike tours, we know your safety is vital. That’s why we take all steps necessary to ensure the safety of our riders. If you’re looking for a way to confidently navigate Maui on a bicycle, learn more about our tours by calling us at 808-877-4944 or contacting us online!